Arsenio Rodríguez, Chano Pozo, Estrellas Juveniles
A nice compilation released on CD, 2001.
Includes Arsenio doing a version of
"Tunas, Mayari, Guantanamo" that I have only
seen on this CD. (incorrectly titled: "Pimienta")
Though in short supply, this CD can still be found.
2. Tunas, Mayarí, Guantánamo
Vocal: Marcelino Guerra

En esta canción: "Tunas, Mayari, Guantanamo", la trompeta es de Florecita?..
Excelente pieza musical.
In this song: "Tunas, Mayari, Gunatanamo", Player trumpet is "Florecita"?...
No, that is not "Florecita" playing trumpet in that song.
On this CD... some the information on the back is incorrect, ie: song titles, Vocalists.
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