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Top: 'Florecita'
'Florecita' with El Conjunto Arsenio Rodriguez

But rarely is the uniquely stylized trumpet playing of Oscar Velasco O'Farrill a.k.a. 'Florecita' given recognition.
There is a well known "music critic" who has stated: "Felix Chappottin was the Louis Armstrong of Cuba", I disagree, if arguably any comparison may be made to a "Cuban Louis Armstrong"... the title would be better associated with Oscar Velasco O'Farrill.
'Florecita' was older then Chocolate, older then Felix Chappottin, a generation before both of them.
It is common to hear trumpet players in Cuba "quote" or play like Chappottin and it is also common to hear trumpet players who are influenced by Alfredo 'Chocolate' Armenteros.
But you never hear anyone sound like, play like, or imitate 'Florecita', as he had a style and a sound totally unique and "soulfully Cuban".
Listen to Chappottin's early playing and the influence of 'Florecita' is clearly apparent.
There are many great trumpet players who were/are incredible "stylists": Enrique Hernández, Lazaro “El Jabao” Herrera, Juanito Rodger, Armando "El Gorilla" Albertini , Chappottin, Alfredo 'Chocolate' Armenteros, "El Guajiro" Mirabal, Gilberto Azcuy... all fabulous players within the "Son tipico" style, as opposed to El Negro" Vivar's "Cuban jazz" style or Julio Cuevas who I like and have always thought of as the Cuban Harry James.
But..... for me, 'Florecita' Oscar Velasco O'Farrill was "the Man".
There are other posts on this blog that have 'Florecita'
playing, but this post has some "selected works" that you can
distinctly hear Oscar Velasco O'Farrill's "style" and "sound".
With Arsenio Rodriguez y Su Conjunto
Me Dijo Que Sí Y Le Dije Que No 1951
'Florecita' short trumpet solo
With Arsenio Rodriguez y Su Conjunto
Guaragüí 1951
'Florecita' short trumpet solo
With Arsenio Rodriguez y Su Conjunto
Avaca De Maíz 1956
Comp: Silvano Shueg
'Florecita' : short trumpet solo near end
With Arsenio Rodriguez y Su Conjunto
Dame Tu Yoyo Ma Belen 1956
'Florecita' : 3 short trumpet solos
* * * * *
With Alberto Zayas' y Su Grupo
Las Jardineras
'Florecita' : short trumpet solo
Bongoes: Rogelio 'Yeyito' Iglesias
* * * * *
With Cheo Marquetti
Fuegos En Los Bomberos
'Florecita' : short trumpet solo.
Coro: Carlos Embale
With Cheo Marquetti
Hay Comentario
'Florecita' : two short trumpet solos.
* * * * *
With Miguelito Cuní & Niño Rivera
El Diablo Tun Tun
'Florecita' : Trumpet
'Florecita' : Trumpet
With Miguelito Cuní & Niño Rivera
Con Amor Todo Se Olvida
'Florecita' : Trumpet
With Miguelito Cuní and Niño Rivera
'Florecita' : Trumpet
With Miguelito Cuní and Niño Rivera
Lo Mismo
'Florecita' : Trumpet
With Miguelito Cuní & Niño Rivera
Donde Va Chichi
'Florecita' : Trumpet
* * * * *
From Festival In Havana
Ignacio Piñeiro: arranger/leader
Tumbando Caña
'Florecita' : Trumpet
From Festival In Havana
La Chambelona
'Florecita' : Trumpet
From Festival In Havana
Tumba La Caña
'Florecita' : Trumpet
* * * * *
With Enrique Jorrin and Odilio Urfé
Conga Del Senador
'Florecita' : Trumpet
Donde Va Maria
'Florecita' : Trumpet
'Florecita' : Trumpet
'Florecita' : Trumpet
Video of "Florecita" Here
Excelente!!.. He estado escuchando la trompeta de cada uno de los que mencionados detenidamente.. Cada uno con su genialidad hace maravillas para la posteridad. Pero ¿todos estos grandes trompetistas, aun el estilo Jazz de Vivar, fueron influenciado por Floresita??
Para mi concepto, las trompetas cubanas, son más musicales y sentimentales que las trompetas jazzisticas americanas, de cualquier epoca..
Un saludo desde Cartagena de Indias y gracias Mark por este tremendo espacio.
Very nice article and clips - I recently heard about Florecita for the first time and found your article very informative.
mmarks3141, glad you enjoyed listening to Florecita's work.
He had an incredibly unique sound and style all his own, as Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros has... but both had/have completely contrasting styles.
Pure soulful playing and typically "Cuban".
Personally what I like is there's no Dizzy G., Arturo S., Miles D., Clifford B., Freddy H. or any other "bop-ish" influence in Florecita's sound. (as is commonly heard nowadays)
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