45rpm on Puchito
Side A: "Yo Tenia Una Mujer" Guaguancó
Side B: "Al Pan y Al Vino" Guaguancó
"Yo Tenia Una Mujer" has been out on LP
for many years, but "Al Pan y Al Vino"
with references to 'La Reforma Agraria' I have
never seen or heard before listening to this 45rpm.
"Al Pan y Al Vino"
My Mother brought this little "Reforma Agraria Va!" pin
back from Cuba in 1959, I sold it on Ebay 6 years ago.

45rpm on Puchito
Side A: "Yo Tenia Una Mujer" Guaguancó
Side B: "Al Pan y Al Vino" Guaguancó
"Yo Tenia Una Mujer" has been out on LP
for many years, but "Al Pan y Al Vino"
with references to 'La Reforma Agraria' I have
never seen or heard before listening to this 45rpm.
"Al Pan y Al Vino"
back from Cuba in 1959, I sold it on Ebay 6 years ago.

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