In the photo above, you can see the Bongoes are connected with a strap & just "slung" over the musicians knee. This particular system goes back to the early style of bongoces played in 'Son' in the very early 1920's.
The 'Sucu Sucu', a "rural Cuban" rhythm that is reputed to have originated by a Woman named 'Bruna Castillo'.
It was purportedly created in 1840 in a house called "La Tumbita" that was close to a "village" named 'Santa Fe' which is now the second largest city on La 'Isla Del Pinos'.
(now called 'La Isla de la Juventude' since 1978)
The rhythm originally was known to have several names: "rumbita", "cotunto" up untill the 1920's when it was named 'Sucu Sucu' based on the sounds made by the style of playing the 'bandurria' and the sliding and dragging of the feet on the wooden floor of the "bohios" and "conucos".
(small houses of the campesinos/farmers at that time).
To my knowledge, one the only few Cuban musicians still playing 'Sucu Sucu' and keeping it alive commercially is Ramon “Mongo” Rives, a 'Laúd' player and the great grandson of 'Bruna Castillo'.
"Maria Elena"
Mongo Rives

'Ramon “Mongo” Rives'
Sucu Sucu - 2002 CD
(((Mongo Rives: Here)))

La Tumbita Criola de 'Ramon Mongo Rives

Vinyl LP EGREM/Areito
La Mujer De Antonio
Sucu Sucu

Cuban musican playing a 'Bandurria'
(FAQ's about the Bandurria)

Cuban musician playing a 'Laúd'
Several examples of "rural" Sucu Sucu:
Compay Cotunto (1960's)
El Caiman (1960's)
El Caiman #2 (1967)
"Sucu Sucu" with drum & bottle (1960's)
Thank you for the nice gemms, much appriciated all your hard work
Wow, this is most interesting!
The only instance I've heard something called "sucu sucu" is the song Felipe Blanco on Sierra Maestra's album Tibiri Tabara.
But this is very different!
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