Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Books: "The Amazing Adventures of Anacaona"

"Queens of Havana: The Amazing Adventures of Anacaona,
Cuba's Legendary All-Girl Dance Band"

I had been wanting to read this book for the last four years.
I finally bought it last week on Amazon.com, a brand "new
hardcover copy" for $1.10 with $3.99 shipping.. total $5.09!!
(retail price: $24.00)

Fabulous book!
A great accounting by Alicia Castro
of the Castro Sisters band: Anacaona.
From the 1920's through the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond.
With great insight into Chinese Cuban musicians in Havana.
And El Barrio Chino en La Habana.
393 pages....with MANY excellent photos!
An absolute bargain at $1.10!

The book includes a CD with the
band as a Septeto playing 5 songs:

1. Despues Que Sufras
2. Amor Inviolado
3. Besame Aqui
4. Oh! Marambe Maramba
5. Maleficio
6. Algo Bueno

Septeto Anacaona

The beautiful Argimira "Millo" Castro
La bongosera

Millo 1940's

"Oh! Marambé Maramba" - 1937
: vocal & clave
Argimira "Millo" Castro: bongó solo

"Algo Bueno"
- 1937
Graciela: vocal & clave
Argimira "Millo" Castro: bongó solo

Con Graciela clave y voz.

1 comment:

Ralphy said...

There's a video documentary on Anacaona, do you have it? I'd like to help you if I can. Just joined the Blog yesterday and I've d/l a lot of stuff in the last few days. Feel indebted to you!

