Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Netanyahu "El Diablo"

Benjamin Netanyahu:
Imperialist, colonialist devil.


  1. Quel triste montage foto effecuée par un bien triste administrateur de ce blog ! Continuez avec votre haine du monde libre et vous aurez tout le loisir de vivre les effets du socialisme ! demandez au polonais et autres pays de l'est s'ils ont envie de retourner à l'aire socialiste ! franchement vou sferiez mieux de vous occuper que de musique parecqu'en matière de politique vous êtes pas une lumière !
    C'est un honte votre montage
    Il n'y a jamais eu un peuple avec un pays palestinien! seulement un groupement de régions qui n'ont jamais cessé de se faire la guerre ! Irsael est là pour que la loi du plus fort cesse! l²occident est là pour leur montrer que les plus fort c²est encore nous et nous leur imposeront un développement avec le respect de son prochain par la force s²il le faut: ils se plieront comme des chiens! ils masacraient déjà sur les champs de fouille les présumés juifs archéologues avant la création d'israel... Monsieur vous êtes un ignorant ! honte à vous et votre blog est définitivement rayé de mes favoris!

  2. "Zionisim" was started as and continues to be a "political repatriation movement" which has nothing to do with real Judaism.

    The recently re-asserted demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state can therefore be understood as part of this pattern. Israel is a nation with Jewish and Palestinian citizens, though Palestinians and other non-Jews do not have full equality and are subject to a wide variety of systematic discrimination's.

    To declare Israel a state of all its citizens would be a step toward equal rights. To declare Israel a Jewish state, on the other hand, is to define the nation not by citizenship or nationality but by ethnic group and even religion. A Jewish state is — by definition — a place where Jews have special status that others do not: an ethnic supremacist state. Such a state does not merely encourage apartheid, but is apartheid, by definition, and Palestinians have no moral or legal reason to accept that.

    Furthermore, Palestinians — counting those inside Israel, those under Israeli occupation, and just a small fraction of those refugees waiting to return, are still the majority population in what was historic Palestine. Israel’s attempt to establish a Jewish majority on all or most of historic Palestine can only be created and maintained by continued ethnic cleansing combined with the imprisonment of Palestinians on smaller and smaller reservations.

    The racism and colonialism of the "political Zionist movement", with its quest for an ethnic supremacist state, remain the fundamental causes of the current conflict. As long as the needs and aspirations of one people are valued above those of other peoples and as long as one people are allowed to impose apartheid, imprisonment and ethnic cleansing on another there will be no equal rights and therefore no end to the conflict.

    Fuck Benjamin Netanyahu.
